We believe our carefully curated products will enhance your lifestyle and appreciation of the Japanese esprit.
Opened in Fukuoka (Kyushu) in January 2018, Studio1156 is built to showcase authentic, beautiful and daily-use Japanese tableware from Arita, Imari, Hashmi and fine gifts. These pieces are showcased through various events featuring bespoke makers, seasonal products, ceramic fair and unique collections.

こんにちは、Studio1156 (スタジオイイコロ)です。

Our new shop locates in a lovely local area, Haruyoshi, just a 10min walk from the centre of Tenjin. Drop by our new ‘Studio1156’ when you visit Fukuoka, there are also a famous ramen shop and nice cafes, restaurants around! To find out what we are doing today, visit us on Instagram, Facebook, and our corporate site.

Studio1156 | Qusavi Inc.
〒810-0003 福岡市中央区春吉1-15-6
Tel. 092 707 1103
営業時間:月〜金 12:00〜20:00 (祝祭日除く)
1-15-6 Haruyoshi, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka 810-0003, Japan
Tel. +81 92 707 1103
Tel. +81 92 707 1103
Open: Mon – Fri | 12:00 – 20:00
Closed: Weekends, Public Holidays
Closed: Weekends, Public Holidays